350/200 Gram Cakes
Fiesta Firework...........................................................................................................................................................................$18.00
200 Gram, 96 Shot: A Real Classic!! 1. Color pearls 2. Crackle bouquets with tails and whistle. Great finale cake,
last 60 sec.

Jurassic Pack.........................................................................................................................................$13.80 each or 3 for 33.00
200 Gram, 16-Shot: Your choice of 1 or the complete set of 3 assorted cakes. The effects are Tito-Gold coconut tail to crackling crown purple star; or T Bone-Gold coconut tail to crackling crown orange star; or Corn Pop-Gold coconut tail to crackling crown blue star;

We Are Family - 3...........................................................................................................................................................................$45.00
200 gram 16 shots: A 3 cake set.
1. We Love – brocade white glitter; ti gold coco white glitter
2. We Fight – red white plum
3. We Live – gold spider + red green glitter; gold spider+green gold glitter; gold spider + red glitter white glitter; gold spider+crackling

Desert at Night.........................................................................................................................................................................$5.00
200 Gram, 7 Shots -Desert At Night, the long-time favorite firework set! This set begins with a stunning fountain and culminates with a volly of aerial shells.

Bling Bling.........................................................................................................................................................................................$18.00
200 Gram, 36 Shots - Green Bling with purple stars and red, blue and white Bling. Red and green bouquets with time delay Bling and crackling Bling. Thirty-six shot of two different diameters. 36 SHOTS

Jumbo Twitter Glitter....................................................................................................................................................................$12.50
200 Gram, 110 Shots - Effects: 1. Red comet flower2. Crackling report3. Green comet flower and whistle4. Red star

96 Shot Color Pearl...........................................................................................................................................................................$5.50
48 Shot Color Pearl...........................................................................................................................................................................$3.00
200 Gram, 96/48 Shot - A traditional small cake with a much better label design and brighter and higher flying color pearls plus a finale shot. Shots of silver strobing pearl to red or green palm/crackle.